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Image de Davies Designs Studio

My history

Sky is the limit!

Portrait Anita Pacho par Cris Noé

About Me

Who am I ?

I come from a very connected family of so-called hypersensitive people. My grandparents were connected to the Spirits of Nature. What's more, my maternal grandmother played a key role in her village as a Spiritist medium and spiritual healer. That's why my childhood was shaped in the mediumistic Universe and I learned what it meant to be :


Being connected to my inner self.


Until my pre-adolescence, my link with the so-called "invisible" world was very strong.
Then, between adolescence and entry into the so-called adult world, the link was much less present, almost absent. Even so, by the time I was 20, many so-called "paranormal" phenomena had taken place. By the time I was 30, the feeling of the spirit world began to manifest itself again.


It was in England that I began to shape and develop my mediumistic abilities, adopting the work ethic of the British Spiritualist Church, where I attended courses at Arthur Findlay College with Professors from the Gordon Higginson Medium's Circle.

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